Latest Episodes

Predicting the Next Paycheck (Part 2)
Mini Series Description Prior to the pandemic, Car Dealer Principals had adopted the behavior and language of using data to make decisions. At conference...

Predicting the Next Paycheck (Part 1)
Mini Series Description Prior to the pandemic, Car Dealer Principals had adopted the behavior and language of using data to make decisions. At conference...

Hedging on US and China Business Relations with Rebecca Fannin
Joining Dennis Wisco on episode #188 is author, journalist, and media entrepreneur, Rebecca Fannin. Rebecca A. Fannin is a leading expert on global innovation,...

Karma Automotive's Path to Going Public
The two guests featured on Wisco Weekly are like-minded individuals who both share a background in business consulting. From there, they diverge in their...

School Choice Works Better for Teachers with Neal McCluskey
With 18 states adopting school choice, the most populous state in the union may also be on the verge of adoption. California is undergoing...

What Would Change with a New Governor with Mike Netter
Mike Netter runs on the same team as Orrin Heatlie of the Recall Newsom Campaign. Mike is a visionary sales leader and rainmaker with...