The "Go Away" Gift: Sponsoring Your Local Community (feat. Troy Roelen)

February 22, 2018 NaN
The "Go Away" Gift: Sponsoring Your Local Community (feat. Troy Roelen)
Wisco Weekly
The "Go Away" Gift: Sponsoring Your Local Community (feat. Troy Roelen)

Feb 22 2018 | NaN


Show Notes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dealers are often solicited for their monetary support of local community organizations. In fact, the solicitations are so plentiful that dealers implement a formal submission process and include such donations in their annual budgets. However, there is a fine line between supporting local organizations and getting involved in local organizations. The former equates to buying girl scout cookies. You don't really want the cookies, but you're willing to pay to support the cause. The latter is a business decision filled with benefits, measures, and negotiations. Dennis raps out with Athletic Director, Troy Roelen, from Mission Viejo High School to share the existing model of high school sponsorships and to explore new ways for dealers to get involved.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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