Toyota's Slight Edge Found in Ontario, California (feat. Ephraim Barcelo, John Elway's Crown Toyota)

September 25, 2018 00:44:44
Toyota's Slight Edge Found in Ontario, California (feat. Ephraim Barcelo, John Elway's Crown Toyota)
Wisco Weekly
Toyota's Slight Edge Found in Ontario, California (feat. Ephraim Barcelo, John Elway's Crown Toyota)

Sep 25 2018 | 00:44:44


Show Notes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Yes, there are dealerships with beautiful looking showrooms. Yes, dealerships are starting to have more product experts than salespersons. Yes, coffee and food are available while waiting for your car at any dealership. But, what is rare to find is an underlying connection to how all those touch points of a dealership make the customer feel welcome. Sounds easier said than done. According to Ephraim Barcelo, General Manager of John Elway's Crown Toyota, it takes the "slight edge." [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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